The Dinner Detective Murder Mystery Dinner Show is an interactive, comedic murder mystery dinner show that began in Southern California in 2004. The show was created by Scott and Kelly O’Brien, veteran producers and writers, who wanted to create a unique entertainment experience that combined interactivity with dinner and theater. The show takes place in a private dining room or ballroom, where guests are seated at tables and served a three or four-course meal. As the meal progresses, a murder occurs, and the guests become the detectives, working together to solve the crime.
The first Dinner Detective show was held in Los Angeles, California, and was an instant hit with audiences. The popularity of the show led to the opening of additional locations in California and then in other states across the country, including Colorado, Illinois, Texas, and Virginia.
The Dinner Detective has become one of the largest interactive murder mystery dinner shows in the United States, with over 80 locations nationwide. The show has received numerous accolades, including being named the “Best Interactive Dinner Show” by the Los Angeles Daily News and the “Best Dinner Theater” by the Denver Westword.