The Dinner Detective, a popular interactive murder mystery dinner show, is excited to announce its grand opening in Greensboro, NC! This unique event combines a multi-course dinner with a comedic murder mystery performed by professional actors. If you’re looking for something fun and exciting to do this weekend, look no further than The Dinner Detective!
If you’re looking for an exciting and unique night out, The Dinner Detective is a perfect choice. This show takes place at the Greensboro-High Point Marriott Airport, where audience members are given the opportunity to solve a crime while enjoying a delicious meal. The show is set in the present day, and the actors are dressed in street clothes, so audience members may not even realize they are part of the show until the murder occurs. With intriguing mysteries and a delicious dinner to enjoy, this is one experience you won’t want to miss!
If you’re looking for a date night activity, group outing, or special event that is fun and engaging, look no further than The Dinner Detective. Throughout the evening, participants can examine clues, question suspects, and solve the crime before the killer is revealed at the end of the night.
If you’re looking for a unique night out, The Dinner Detective is perfect. This interactive murder mystery show will be held at the Greensboro-High Point Marriott Airport in Greensboro, NC, on most Saturday nights. Doors open at 6:00 PM, and tickets are $69.95 per person. In addition to the murder mystery show, you’ll also get a delicious multi-course meal. And if that’s not enough, you’ll have the opportunity to solve the crime yourself!
The Dinner Detective is the largest interactive murder mystery dinner show in the United States, with shows in over 80 cities. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement at the Greensboro, NC, grand opening! Get your tickets now and join in on the hunt for the killer.